Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Big Band Christmas

The Must See concert this weekend is "A Big Band Christmas," presented by the Mid-Columbia Mastersingers and the Columbia Basin Jazz Orchestra, with director Randy Hubbs and soloists Carisa Simpson and Jeremy Irland. We had our first rehearsal on Nils Lindberg's "A Christmas Cantata" with the orchestra tonight and it is going to be an AMAZING concert. Also on the program is a selection of jazz tunes. See it Friday night at Hanford High and Saturday night at Chiawana, both at 7pm. Get there early for tickets - this is going to be a good one!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Go see A Christmas Carol!

I just saw a delightful production of "A Christmas Carol," put on by Tri-Cities Prep. Two of my students are performing, and Mid-Columbia Mastersinger and phenomenal pianist Tara Swanson is accompanying and they were all just great!

The set is charming, the costumes are lovely (kudos to Val Watson!), and the singing is very good - I especially enjoyed the group numbers. The pacing is great, and scene changes are filled with Christmas music (thanks, Tara!). A group of young dramatic dancers from Suzanne's Studio were used to great effect throughout. TCP has a really talented group of kids, and you will be glad you saw it! Huge congratulations to producer/director Nina Powers and the young drama program at TCP!

The show is on again tomorrow at 7pm and Sunday at 3pm, at Columbia Basin College - tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gondoliers Unofficial Cast List

This is not the official list yet, but just what I have learned from people announcing themselves on facebook:

Duke of Plaza Toro - Mark Barton
Duchess of Plaza Toro - Laurel Adams
Casilda - Julie Heegel
Luiz - Eric Eberle
Marco - Jairo Maldonado
Giuseppe - Sam Purvine
Antonio - Rolly Hofstedt
Gianetta - Molly Holleran
Tessa - Chrissy Maldonado
Fiametta - Mitzi Lundberg
Giulia - Ashley Wheatcroft

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Thick of Christmas

There is no turning back - we are in the midst of the Christmas performance season. Christmas Pops with the Symphony and Handel's Messiah are over, and this coming weekend we have Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker at Mid-Columbia Ballet, and Tri-Cities Prep's production of A Christmas Carol. How can you stay home watching TV when there is such fare?

Also, Gondoliers auditions are done and the show is cast - those of us who auditioned will find out later this week, but I have it on good authority that this will be a GREAT show. So to all the naysayers, I say "nay."