Monday, February 6, 2012

Thank goodness for community college

First, because some won't appreciate the paragraph below: go see Hanford Drama's production of "The Music Man" this weekend! They put on consistently excellent shows and you will be glad you went.

I'm so grateful that we have Columbia Basin College in our community, which is able to produce theatre that doesn't have to be sugar-coated. They don't have to be as concerned about ticket sales as community theatre groups, so they have the freedom to do shows that are more challenging to the audience, and we don't need to worry that the language has been tampered with to make it more palatable to the sensibilities of this community. I'm sorry there isn't another weekend of their production of "The Maiden's Prayer." More people should have the chance to see this well-done drama that deals with some ugly and painful issues, but human issues and not Disney issues.