Sunday, August 18, 2019
Christmas is Coming!
It's hard to imagine with our normal 90-degree August weather, but lots of people in town are getting ready for the holidays. It's going to be a busier-than-usual holiday season, with the addition of "It's a Wonderful Life" as the inaugural production by a new group called Theatre Not a Dying Art. It's a new group, but as far as I can tell from the info on Facebook, it is made up of some of our favorite Tri-Cities actors (Michael Thomas, Megan Johnson, Scott Whitemarsh, Monty Stevens, Karen Walley, Terry Knox, Katrina Carlson), so it's sure to be good. The origin story of this group is a bit mysterious still (and I've been behind on my gossip recon), but Katrina says the website is coming. They open the day after Thanksgiving and run for three weekends (dates and times are on the Google calendar linked on this site) so put it on your list!